The Leo Trio

The Leo Trio: NGC 3628, M65, M66

  • April 18, 2013
The Leo Trio: NGC 3628, M65, M66
All of us at SKYPI Observatory are excited to share our First Light image with you. The data was taken by our, consultant, sweat contributor, and Great Friend, Bob Birket, under dark skies over the nights of Saturday and Sunday, April 13 and 14.
Image Post:
RCOS 12.5
Baader LRGB filters
 Luminance = 120 minutes, binned 1×1
 RGB = 50 minutes each channel, binned 2×2
 Lum = 15 minute sub-exp
 RGB = 10 minute sub-exp
First Light Reaches SKYPi

First Light Reaches SKYPi